Как всегда бесплатно много , красиво и супермодно – получить подарок в центре Манхэттена. Не совсем была понятна процедура регистрации на сайте – поэтому очередь за новыми планшетами Блэкбари собралась на Herald Square возле универмага Macy’s. Конечно не такая большая …. посмотреть на нее можно на нашем видео отчете из Манхэттена под текстом статьи.
Правда к неудовольствию посетителей – вместо ожидаемого подарка – нового планшета – посетителям предлогался лишь бесплатный “тест- драйв” нового игрового и бизнес устройства , готовящегося “потрясти” рынок прочно захваченный “яблочниками”.
Итак, что же внутри? –
BlackBerry PlayBook Theater
Relax and enjoy an overview of key features and ease of use. Then let our tour guide show you why the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet rocks.Demo Stations
Get hands-on with BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Try gaming. Take a sneak peek at business apps. See high-res visuals and the full potential of the web.
Relax and enjoy an overview of key features and ease of use. Then let our tour guide show you why the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet rocks.Demo Stations

- True Multitasking. BlackBerry PlayBook tablet runs apps simultaneously and in real time. It’s sophisticated multitasking that you can tailor to your needs.
- Ultra-Portable. BlackBerry PlayBook tablet fits a spontaneous, on-the-go lifestyle. It’s small enough to grab and go, light enough to carry for hours and powerful enough to get you through your day.
- Uncompromised Web-Browsing. This is a full, desktop browsing experience…not a scaled-down, mobile version. BlackBerry PlayBook tablet connects you with full Adobe® Flash®. All the web sites. Videos. Games. You get it all, with stunning multimedia.
- BlackBerry® Bridge™. Get access to BBM™, email, calendar, contacts, memo pad, tasks from your BlackBerry smartphone – in real time on the large display.
- More Apps. More Choice. It’s apps like you’ve never experienced, built and optimized for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Plus you can run many of your BlackBerry smartphone and Android favorites. All available through BlackBerry App World™ storefront.
Bridging Station
Bridging expands your possibilities in amazing ways with a simple, secure connection between your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and your BlackBerry smartphone. You’ll interface and interact in real time with your email, calendar, address book, task list and BBM™
Bridging expands your possibilities in amazing ways with a simple, secure connection between your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet and your BlackBerry smartphone. You’ll interface and interact in real time with your email, calendar, address book, task list and BBM™