Federal Judge Denies NYC’s Bid to Recover $80.5 Million in FEMA Funds from Trump Administration”

A federal judge on March 5 nixed New York City’s bid to force the Trump administration to cough up $80.5 million in grants, pronto1. The city’s plea for immediate restitution of the Federal Emergency Management Agency dough, earmarked for migrant housing costs, fell flat in Manhattan’s U.S. District Court1.

Judge Jennifer Rearden, apparently unmoved by the Big Apple’s tale of woe, ruled that Gotham failed to prove it would suffer irreparable harm without the cash infusion1. Her Honor suggested the city could still recover the greenbacks if it ultimately triumphs in its lawsuit1.

The kerfuffle began when FEMA, in a move city officials dubbed a “money grab,” snatched the funds from a municipal bank account in February1. The Trump administration, led by Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem, insisted the withdrawal represented full payment for migrant accommodations1.

As the legal tussle continues, one can’t help but wonder if the city’s coffers are feeling as empty as a hot dog vendor’s cart at a vegan convention.


  1. https://rareformnewmedia.com/style-guide-roundup-for-journalists/
  2. https://sph.textbookx.com/book/9780743227247/
  3. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Wall-Street-Journal-Guide-to-Business-Style-and-Us/Paul-Martin/9781439122693
  4. https://www.g-wlearning.com/journalism/8332/ch10/data/mapwsjstory.pdf
  5. https://www.wsj.com/news/types/style-manual
  6. https://www.wsj.com/news/styleandsubstance
  7. https://www.wsj.com/news/styleandsubstance/category/punctuation

#NYCFEMAFunds #TrumpAdministration #MigrantCrisis #FEMAGrants #NewYorkCityLawsuit #FederalCourtDecision

Sources: Midtown Tribune , TV503.com

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