Концерт в поддержку Pussy Riot в США

Вашингтон ? Видео выступления в поддержку Пусси Риот в Вашингтоне DC. USA

From a letter from imprisoned Pussy Riot member Maria Alyekhina from prison—”My only cell-mate Nina and I sleep on metal beds in outdoor clothes. She sleeps in a fur coat, I sleep in a coat.
It’s so cold in the cell our noses get red and our feet are ice cold, but we are not allowed to get into bed under the covers before the bedtime bell. The holes in the window frames are stuffed in with hygiene pads and bread crumbs, the sky is all orange from the street lamps at night.” The whole world is watching! Free Pussy Riot!

Концерт video youtube – Concert for Pussy Riot

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